Style Guide #1: Socks and Sandals (a Faux Pas Worth Breaking)

A couple weekends ago, against all odds, I pulled on a pair of socks with my brand new Chacos. This may not seem like a big deal, but as a typically minimalist dresser (anything beyond black, gray, and navy blue is a bit stand-out-ish for me) and a previous snubber of the socks/sandals combo, this was a big jump into the deep end of stand-out fashion and acceptance of the enemy (sandal+sock wearers).

I would not have even ventured into the Chaco world without first finding myself in the world of outdoor bouldering. This fun activity is quickly made annoying when you’re wearing sneakers. Taking them on and off over and over again can start making you a little insane and I needed something quick to throw on my feet in between climbs. So I bought Chacos and was immediately pleased. It wasn’t until this camping/climbing trip on a tad-chilly June weekend at Coopers Rock, West Virginia, that I first felt the need to pull on the socks.

Drinking Sierra Nevada’s Hazy Little Thing IPA while rocking the socks and sandals look.

I will not admit that this combination was pleasing to the eye and I will not be wearing this fashion choice out of the woods anytime soon. Despite these reservations, I have to admit, I have been converted to the “dark side”. My toes were warm in their socks yet free from the constraints of normal shoes; it was cozy, to use one of my favorite words.

So, if you’ve been harboring a secret desire to pull out the socks and sandals together, don’t stop yourself. Your friends might make some snide comments but ignore these sock/sandal haters and know that at the end of the day, they’re just jealous.

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